Is Cosmetology School An Option For Single Parents?

Posted on: 30 May 2016


Cosmetology careers can provide a great option for a single parent trying improve their career opportunities while still being there for their family. The following guide can help you decide if this is a good option for you.

How long is training in a cosmetology school?

This varies depending on a range of factors, including how many hours of training your state board requires for certification and on whether you attend full or part time. Generally, between eight months and two years will need to be dedicated to school.

Do you have to attend full time?

As a single parent, it can be difficult to dedicate full time hours to school, since you are likely working and juggling parenting duties. Fortunately, most cosmetology schools offer flexible part time schedules for students unable to attend full time.

Will school interfere with work?

Cosmetology schools are in the business of training working adults for careers, so they understand that many of their students are working their way through school. Most cosmetology schools offer flexible class times, including evening and weekend classes. This way you can schedule school around your schedule. For example, if you share custody of your children with your ex, you may opt to take Friday evening and Saturday day classes when your children are visiting the other parent.

What about my children?

Some cosmetology schools have onsite daycare, which allows you to keep your children close while you are in class. If daycare is a real issue, it is worthwhile to find a school with this offering. Sometimes the cost of daycare can even be rolled into your tuition package.

How can you get money for schooling?

Money for many single parents is tight. Fortunately, many accredited cosmetology schools are able to help you secure financial aid to help pay for your education. Your package will likely consists of a combination of Pell grants, which don't have to be paid back, and student loans, which will need to enter repayment once you graduate.

Are there any other benefits you should consider as a parent?

When visiting beauty schools, find out if they have any campus support groups or study clubs aimed specifically at single parents. These groups can provides you with safe places to study with your children, such as mixed play and study dates. Also, simply having the friendship and support of other parents in the same situation as yourself can help you succeed in school since you won't be facing the challenge alone.

Contact a cosmetology school, such as Tri-County Beauty College, in your area to learn more.