4 Things To Look For When Shopping For A Clean Tattoo Shop

Posted on: 13 November 2015


You might be thinking about making a big change and having a tattoo done, but you might be overwhelmed by the many tattoo shops that are out there. It's true that there is no shortage of artists out there, and it can be a lot of fun looking at samples and getting an idea of each artist's personal style and talents. However, you shouldn't just look for a tattoo artist who is talented -- you should also look for one who focuses on cleanliness.

The last thing that you want to bring home with your new tattoo is some sort of infection or disease, but this could very well happen if the tattoo shop isn't clean. Luckily, looking for these things can help you find a nice, clean tattoo shop.

1. Look for Sealed, Disposable Needles

For the safest results, look for a tattoo artist who uses sealed, disposable, one-time use needles and tubes for each customer. This is much less risky than reusing needles, even if they are sterilized. Make sure that you see the artist actually open up the sealed pack to remove the needles and tubes.

2. Look for a Waterproof Barrier

On any and all furniture that clients who are being tattooed will come in contact with, there should be a waterproof barrier of some sort in-between the furniture and the client who is being tattooed. Some clients bleed more than others, and this is the only way to ensure that the blood can be cleaned off of the furniture effectively.

3. Make Sure the Artist Wears Gloves

Some tattoo artists complain about wearing gloves because they claim that it gets in the way of them moving their hands well. However, it is important for your tattoo artist to always wear gloves. You should also see the artist put on new gloves after each and every customer.

4. Take a Quick Look Around the Shop

Looks can be deceiving, but it's still always smarter to look for a tattoo shop that looks nice and clean. If the artist doesn't take the time to sweep the floor or dust, you have to wonder if he or she is cutting corners on cleaning in other ways as well.

Looking for a clean tattoo shop should be your number one priority if you are thinking about having a tattoo done. Luckily, looking for these four things can help you find a shop that you can trust. Once you determine which shops are clean, you can then begin comparing artwork so that you can find the artist who is right for you. Jimi's Tattoo & Body Piercing is a tattoo parlor in your area you can visit.