
  • 3 Interesting Career Options For Cosmetology Graduates

    Cosmetology experts earn a mean hourly wage of $13.24 per hour, and many graduates earn significantly more. Salary depends on a wide array of factors, including your educational background, the length of time you've been offering your services, and whether you are self employed or work for an employer in the field. Many cosmetologists style hair or apply makeup on clients at a salon or spa, but you aren't limited to a traditional career setting after you finish beauty school.
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  • Common Eye Injury Questions Answered

    Your eyes are among the most important and sensitive sensory organs that you possess. Unfortunately, there is a strong chance that your eye can suffer anyone of a seemingly endless number of injuries. Sadly, when your eye is injured, you may not know what to do to have the damage corrected. Understanding a couple of answers to common questions will help you make more informed decisions about how to help your eye heal as quickly as possible:
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